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Digest of events of the High Council of Justice for June 24 – 28, 2024


Judge of the Kropyvnytskyi appellate court Honchar Volodymyr Mykolaiovych is temporarily suspended from administering justice based on the decision of the First Disciplinary Chamber of the HCJ

The decision to bring the judge to disciplinary liability and apply a disciplinary sanction in the form of the submission for dismissal from the office was made by the First Disciplinary Chamber of the HCJ on June 24, 2024.

XХ Congress of Judges of Ukraine will take place on September 18, 2024

The agenda of the XХ Congress of Judges of Ukraine includes an issue on selection two HCJ members.

HCJ extended term of a temporary suspension of a judge of the Verkhniodniprovskyi district court of Dnipropetrovsk region from administering justice

On June 25, 2024, the HCJ satisfied the request of the Deputy Prosecutor General – Head of the SAPO and extended till August 25, 2024, the term of the temporary suspension of the judges of the Verkhniodniprovskyi district court of Dnipropetrovsk region from administering justice due to bringing the judge to the criminal liability.

The judge is suspected of committing a criminal offence, as provided by part three of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Three judges were dismissed on general grounds

On June 25, 2024, the HCJ decided to dismiss six judges due to their applications for resignation:

  • Bielomiestnov Oleksandr Yuriiovych – from the office of the judge of the Donetsk circuit administrative court;
  • Kaliush Olena Valeriivna – from the office of the judge of the Kostiantynivskyi city district court of Donetsk region.

Also on June 25, 2024, the HCJ dismissed the judge of the Umanskyi city district court of Chernihiv region Bilyk Olha Volodymyrivna on his own volition.

HCJ will make submissions to the President of Ukraine on appointing 8 judges to local courts

On June 27, 2024, the HCJ decided to make submissions to the President of Ukraine on appointing 8 judges to positions in local courts. The list is at the link.

HCJ changed the decision of the Disciplinary Chamber and applied more severe disciplinary sanction to judge of the Poltava appellate court

The HCJ decided to change the decision of the Third Disciplinary Chamber of the HCJ on bringing the judge of the Poltava appellate court Halionkin Serhii Anatoliiovych to disciplinary liability.

The HCJ decided to apply to the judge of the Poltava appellate court Serhii Halionkin a disciplinary penalty in the form of the submission for dismissal from the office.

Secretariat of the High Council of Justice started accepting documents from candidates to be elected as HCJ members by the Congress of Judges of Ukraine

The decision of the CJU of June 21, 2024, No. 16 determined the date of holding the XХ Congress of Judges of Ukraine – September 18, 2024 (the reserve date – September 19, 2024).

The preliminary agenda of the Congress of Judges of Ukraine includes, in particular, an issue on the selection of two HCJ members.

The acceptance of documents from candidates shall be carried out by the Secretariat of the High Council of Justice.

Documents from candidates will be accepted until 24:00 on August 19, 2024 (Monday) if the documents are submitted electronically or until 17:00 on August 19, 2024, if the documents are submitted in person.

Working group finished the development of draft Unified indicators for evaluation of integrity and professional ethics of a judge, candidate

The HCJ working group finished working on the draft Unified indicators for the evaluation of integrity and professional ethics of a judge (candidate for the position of a judge).

The prepared document determines the main terms, principles of evaluation, content of integrity and professional ethics criteria. Currently, the draft is being approved by the HQCJU, CJU, Public Integrity Council. The HCJ expects to receive their proposals to the draft by July 9, 2024.

The document will be published after its approval by the HCJ.

High Council of Justice approved the 2023 Annual report “On the state of ensuring judicial independence in Ukraine”

On June 27, 2024, the HCJ by its decision No. 1999/0/15-24 approved the 2023 Annual report “On the state of ensuring judicial independence in Ukraine”.

The Annual report represents the most relevant aspects and issues of the state of ensuring judicial independence, outlines specifics of the functioning of the judiciary and judicial reform throughout 2023 under martial law conditions. The Report includes as well the main outcomes of the HCJ’s coordinating activity, the work of bodies and institutions of the justice system, the overview of the state of ensuring of independence of each judge and the key issues of access to justice for all, and also determines the priority tasks and recommendations for the next period.

The 2023 Annual report “On the state of ensuring judicial independence in Ukraine” was published on the HCJ’s website and on the information web portal "Judiciary of Ukraine".

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